Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Madonna - Religious symbols in her Performace.

Madonna galleries images instyle time incMadonna use of religious symbols such as the crucifix and Crown of Thorns in MAdonna's performance of "Live to Tell" caused the Russian Orthodox Church and the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia to urge all their members to boycott Madonna concert.

[150] Prosecutors in Düsseldorf threatened to sue her and a Protestant bishop said, "the only way an aging superstar can attract attention is to offend people's religious sentiments."

Vatican officials claimed MAdonna mock crucifixion was an open attack on Catholicism, to which Madonna responded that, "My performance is neither anti-Christian, sacrilegious or blasphemous. Rather, it is my plea to the audience to encourage mankind to help one another and to see the world as a unified whole."

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