Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson's Relationships...

Kristen StewartKristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson look so cute together!!! Some fans of them wish they would start going out. Kristen is just so pretty and a good actor and rob well i guess just looks handsome but we don't exactly know Why Kristen wants to date the sky high dude

Unfortunately, Both of them are Friendship. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have chemistry but its only friendship.

Kristen Steart's dating Michael Arangano b/coz Both of them like to smoke a lot of dope together... while Pattinson only likes 2 drink & insult women w/ crude pick up lines...Pattinson and Stewart are nothing more than co-workers... and while I enjoyed their performances in Twilight... they really have nothing going for them outside of acting.


Kristen Stewart Michael Arangano

1 comment:

sol said...

kristen and robert will be together because i said so, and they are the most beautifull couple of the world!, and it dosnt matter if she smokes and he dosnt, they will be together!
And the boyfriend of kristen will leave her , and the girlfriend of robert will leave him, and kristen and robert will be together =)